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Port Community System in Jamaica main Ports & Airport


Jamaica through the Port Authority of Jamaica and Jamaica Customs, along with other entities in the Port Community such as the Shipping Association of Jamaica agreed to implement a Port Community System (PCS).

The PCS implementation has been an opportunity to substantially encourage and promote more efficient and effective trading practices, while reducing the cost of doing business positioning Jamaica as a global logistics hub for the region, taking advantage of the 2014 Completion of the Panama Canal Expansion project.

Within the framework of this project, IDOM, together with Portic, carried out the consultancy service to analyze the needs in the processes to be covered by the PCS and to evaluate the impact at different levels that its implementation was going to entail.

The project included the following tasks:

  • Analysis of business processes and the current TIC of the port
  • Gap identification of the current port processes
  • Improvement proposals for the current port processes and IT applications following the Best Practices of other ports
  • Evaluation of the impact of implementing a PCS in the economic development of several regions in Jamaica
  • Workshops with the Port Community stakeholders to explain the benefits and challenges of the PCS
  • Evaluation of the PCS implementation bidders
  • Definition of the PPP model under which the PCS will be provided (Jamaica ultimately did not adopt the PPP governance model for different reasons)
  • Technical Support to the Port Authority in the negotiation with the preferred bidder

Smart Ports

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Port Authority of Jamaica

Analysis of the current situation (“As-Is”) of the processes and TIC
Business Model
Evaluation of the PCS implementation bidders
Gap identification and process improvement (“To-Be”)
PCS impact and benefits
Workshops with the Port Community stakeholders